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Since the war in Ukraine, the shortage of sunflower oil has forced manufacturers to modify their recipes. They obtained, Tuesday, April 26, a relaxation on the labeling, so as not to have to change the packaging. How will consumers be informed?
Sunflower oil is becoming scarce on supermarket shelves, as in industrial reserves. Yet it is the main ingredient for making crisps, biscuits or even margarine. Manufacturers could replace sunflower oil with another in their recipes, and will not have to inform consumers immediately. Indeed, changing packaging takes time. Bercy gave, Tuesday, April 26, the rules to follow: manufacturers will be able to request an exemption from the DGCCRF, the repression of fraud. The manufacturer will have two months to indicate the change, with a “DEROG” sticker, and six months to change the packaging.
Complicated according to Sandrine Blanchemanche, director of ANIA’s food division, who notably points out “sticker shortages”, or the lack of splicers. Reporting must be immediate if the new recipe contains allergens, or cancels promises such as “GMO-free” or “organic”. According to some consumer associations, the measurements are not legible enough. All revenue changes will be reported on the Fraud Prevention site as they occur.