How to write a “motivated training project”?

You have made a wish and you want to explain in a few lines your background and your motivations for joining this training? Here is the procedure to follow!

The necessary information to include in your pitch

Before you start writing your cover letter, find out about the school and the training offered. By reading the presentation sheet of the training on Parcoursup and on the school’s website, determine the lessons, the specificities, the expectations, the possibilities of continuing studies or the professional outlets.

Then, analyze your skills and your academic results: are they consistent with the expectations of the training?

Finally, get more information on the chosen training by going to open days, information meetings, fairs and meetings related to the desired training. In addition, it will further show your determination to the teachers in charge of your file!

Rules to follow

This cover letter is limited to 1500 characters, or approximately 200-250 words. It will therefore be a question of going to the essentials, of making a synthesis, while making the teaching team want to choose you rather than another candidate.

Unlike a classic cover letter, it is not necessary to fill in your name, the date and to write a header. Especially since the applications on Parcoursup are anonymized.

As for the structure of the letter, introduce your speech in a powerful way by briefly presenting your professional project. If your project is still unclear, we advise you to write it clearly: rather present the areas that interest you and try to show how this training will help you choose a profession or a future Master’s degree to specialize in.

In a second paragraph, argue by linking the expectations of the training with your background, your skills, your qualities, your centers of interest and your voluntary activities. These experiences allow you to fully stand out and prove that you are really motivated to join the training.

In a third paragraph, end your writing by explaining why the lessons of this training will be useful to you in achieving your goals. Also explain the steps taken to find out about the training and why you have chosen this training specifically. For example, you can talk about university exchanges, a particular course or an option. The whole thing is to show that this is THE training course made for you.

Bonuses : we advise you to adapt the content of your motivated training project to each training. The letter will be all the more original, personalized and direct!

If in doubt, do not hesitate to turn to your teachers or the guidance service of your high school for help or reread your cover letters.


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