How to vent anger?

This morning, you are going to teach us how to better manage or evacuate anger, right? Yes. In many situations we can feel anger! However, if this emotion is poorly managed, anger can quickly turn into aggression towards others.

And also be bad for us?

Absolutely ! So to prevent the pressure cooker from exploding, I suggest a very simple exercise that helps to release this overflow of anger in the best possible conditions! you will symbolically transform yourself into a shot putter, like at the Olympic Games! In a standing position, ideally in front of a window or outside, you will imagine that your anger is like a weight that you will throw as far as possible from you. So you’re going to inhale through your nose, cocking your right arm as if you have this weight of anger in your hand.

And you will blow through your mouth very hard (you can even shout) by projecting this symbolic weight of anger as far forward as possible with your right arm. You lower your arm and take a moment to recover and refocus. And above all, feel the benefits of this exercise!

And we do this exercise several times?

You can perform this exercise 2 more times with the right arm and 3 times with the left arm. Great ! But can this sophro exercise be done by children? Well for children from 3/4 years old, and also for teenagers, I propose a different exercise, using a cushion!

The child will have to stand up with a cushion in his hands…

He will place himself in a place where he can throw the cushion in front of him without breaking anything

· He will have to think of something that makes him angry, sad or upset… and he will imagine that he is putting it all in the pillow…

Then he will inhale through his nose raising the pillow above your head

And he will blow through his mouth, very hard, throwing the cushion on the ground

· And at the end of the exercise, it is interesting that he can listen to what is happening inside him before starting again, if he wishes.

I imagine it’s important for parents to show children how to do it? Yes of course ! The ideal is that the parents do this exercise at the same time as the children, saying aloud what to do. I also advise parents to discuss with their children after the exercise. The purpose of this discussion time is to help the child verbalize his feelings and the causes of his emotion.

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