How to talk about sexuality in the family?

If talking about sexuality is no longer as taboo as it used to be, it remains a complicated subject for many of us to discuss, especially when it comes to talking about it with our children. Admittedly, we are far from the boys who are born in the cabbage and the girls in the roses, but how many parents really feel comfortable talking to their children about sexuality?

We thus find ourselves in a paradoxical situation in which 50% of 12-year-old children have already seen a pornographic film, while 84% of 13-year-old girls don’t know how to represent their gender and that one in four 15-year-old girls do not know that they have a clitoris (according to a 2016 report on sex education by the High Council for Equality between Men and Women).

Talking to our children about sexuality is indeed essential for them to know their bodies and the changes he undergoes during adolescence, so that they know that pornography is more about violence than sexuality, that questions of consent and touching make sense to them.

Geraldine Mayr receives Julia Pietri. She is an artist, author and founder of the successful Instagram account @gangduclito. She published The Little Guide to Sexual Pussy in two volumes, and explains to us why it is important to talk to our children about sexuality and how to do it. Because sex education is part of education, at school but also at home!

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