How to take care of your pets during the holidays?

To have your pet looked after while you are away, there are several solutions! It’s up to you to see which one best suits your four-legged chard so you can leave with peace of mind!

Did you know ? According to the SPA, 60,000 pets are abandoned every summer

Pet sitting and housesitting

  • What is this ?

A widespread service, pet-sitting allows you to call on an individual (or a professional) to visit your pet in your absence.

Several websites offer this service: Yoopies, Animaute or even Rover.

It depends on the type of pet sitting you offer. Some people offer to host the pet-sitter in their home for the duration of their absence. A way for some to find free accommodation for a short period. Conversely, if you do not want the individual to sleep at home, plan on average 15 euros / day, depending on the care and the number of outings that your animal requires.

The pension

  • What is this ?

As its name suggests, the pension allows you to keep your animal in accommodation specially designed to accommodate animals. The advantages of this practice are numerous: in addition to being accompanied by approved people, your animal will be in the company of other furry animals and will be able to socialize!

This directory allows you to find the pensions closest to you.

On average, count 15 euros / day for a dog and 10 euros / day for a cat.

hotels for cats

  • What is this ?

Cat hotels offer true luxury stays. Indeed, your feline will have access to its own equipped space, to a quality diet, but also to massages or grooming. Something to pamper them while you’re away!

In full emergence, this service begins to settle in all the metropolises of France. With just a few clicks on the Internet, you can find the hotels closest to you.

Count between 30 and 50 euros / day

Shared custody between individuals

  • What is this ?

It is a question of entrusting your pet to an individual who owns one. In exchange, you agree to keep his animal in return during his next stay.

You can find shared custody offers on sites like Animal-futé and Animal Keepers or on classifieds sites.

Joint custody is in the vast majority of cases free. Indeed, it is an exchange of services!


  • What is this ?

Many seniors offer to take care of your pets during your holidays, directly at your home. A good solution for them to get a change of scenery and have some company and tenderness!

Ani-Seniors, Homesitting, Goldenday… There are a multitude of sites offering these services.

It depends on the number of days. Count on average 30 euros / day.

Holiday centers

  • What is this ?

These centers welcome your animals during the holidays. On the program: walks, educators and socializing!

Several centers are open in France. Depending on your geographical area, find the nearest center to your home or your future vacation spot!

Prices can range from 150 to 300 euros per week

Animal protection association shelters

  • What is this ?

To avoid mass abandonment during the summer period, some shelters and animal protection associations offer to serve as a boarding house, in exchange for donations.

Find out more at the SPA closest to you.

Most of the time, you will be asked for a free donation in exchange for this custody.

Ask a loved one or someone you trust

If you cannot afford to keep your pet, do not hesitate to call on your relatives or your neighbors. Social networks, note in the entrance hall of your building, WhatsApp group, babysitter… It’s up to you to call on your network!

Good to know : Abandoning a pet is an offense punishable by 2 years in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros.

The checklist for successful pet sitting:

  • Give the health card
  • Give your phone number and that of your veterinarian
  • Check that the information entered in the I-CAD file is up to date
  • Notice your pet’s habits
  • Provide a sufficient stock of food, bedding and medication during home care
  • Sign a certificate of support


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