How to take care of your eyes and avoid inconvenience?

Surely more today, our eyes are solicited by screens (telephone, computer, television, tablet…), this can lead to headaches and neck pain.

When working or concentrating, we tend to forget to close our eyes. However, blinking helps to avoid having dry eyes because it will activate the Meibomian glands which will keep the eyes moist.

  • Do an eye massage

To stimulate the Meibomian glands and reduce pain, work from top to bottom for the upper eyelid and from bottom to the top for the lower eyelid to your eyelashes. Then, gently massage your eyes, making rotational movements with your fingers without putting too much pressure on them.

  • Don’t forget to take breaks

One minute is enough! Look away, walk and no longer stare at any screen. Like stretching, eye rest is essential for your health and good working conditions.

Go out for fresh air or open your window, your eyes will be refreshed and looking around outside will soothe your eyes.

  • Get enough sleep and hydration

Drinking enough water and sleeping at least seven hours helps to be in better conditions for less fragile eyes.

If these tips aren’t enough for you, there are eye sprays for very dry and tired eyes, €14.80. For red and irritated eyes, €14.80.

Jeanette Atme Daou

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