How to strengthen your intestinal microbiota?

Composed of billions of bacteria, it is essential for our digestion, and yet we often do not know what is gut microbiota. Medicine itself still has a lot of progress to make on what is also called the intestinal flora, and even the “second brain”. Responsible for many pathologiesincluding autoimmune diseases but also mood disorders such as stress or depressionthe microbiota must therefore be preserved and strengthened for us to be in better health.

But how to boost it? What eating habits and what precautions should be taken? Are probiotics a good idea?

Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the Professor Gabriel Perlemuterhead of the hepato-gastro-enterology and nutrition department at the Antoine-Béclère hospital in Clamart, and the author of the book, Stress, hypersensitivity, depression… And if the solution came from our bacteriapublished by Flammarion.

He explains to us the functioning of our microbiota and gives us valuable tips for taking care of it.

Medical news and questions from listeners

Hello Doctor talks to us today about toothpastes recommended and those to avoid, antibioticsof the physical activity prescriptionsand answers Marie, from Bayonne, who wonders whether to clean your bedding after being sickand to Katia, from Champagne-Ardenne, concerning the passive smoking.

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