How to repot batavia and small pansies with the advice of our expert Étienne Wirth.

To be sure to do the right things: Follow the advice for repotting vegetables and biennials with our garden expert Étienne Wirth!

Succeed in your garden and vegetable garden in all seasons: Today Etienne Wirth explains to us how to transplant batavia and small thoughts!

Provide yourself with a trowel, it is an easy-to-use gardening tool, ideal for breaking up the surface soil, for digging holes for planting and transplanting small plants.

Batavia is sown from January to September, under cover until April then in the ground from May to September, with transplanting in place or thinning out to 25 cm between each plant, approximately 4 weeks after sowing. when seedlings have 4-5 leaves.

Forty years of experience at your service every Saturday on France Bleu Lorraine from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. with your questions live on 03 87 52 13 13.

And as a bonus every weekend to support you even better in your projects, a video tutorial with Etienne Wirth who welcomes you to his own green space: CréaVégétal in Woippy.

>>> See the file with all Video Tutorials from our weekend experts

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