how to reopen the cereal route?



France 2

Article written by

M.-P.Samitier, E.Bach, L.Haedrich, P.Lagaune, G.Liaboeuf – France 2

France Televisions

In Odessa (Ukraine), the port is currently under blockade. Grain shipments cannot get out, increasing the risk of a global food crisis.

25 million tons of immobilized cereals: this is one of the consequences of the Russian blockade of the port of Odessa (Ukraine). The war raises fears of a global food crisis. Because before the fighting, Odessa, located in the Black Sea, was the exit door from the attic of Europe. “We want a maritime corridor, made up of the ships of our partners“, claims Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. But this strategic trade route has also become impassable due to mines laid by Ukraine to prevent the Russians from arriving by sea.

“We are ready to cooperate if kyiv clears the mines,” said Serguei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. “If we demine, we will lose our lines of defence,” retorted Gennady Troukhannov, mayor of Odessa. France has offered to help, but passing boats through the area is a dangerous maneuver, especially without the mining plan. In addition, Westerners will have to guarantee the safety of commercial vessels: “Even with an agreement from the Russians, these vessels will have to be escorted, knowing that Turkey does not want to see warships in the Black Sea”, explains Nicolas Tenzer, political scientist. In this puzzle, Turkey could indeed be a key player in unlocking the grain route.

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