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Sidaction 2022 will take place from Friday 25 to Sunday 27 March. According to a survey, young people feel less informed about HIV than before. In addition, misinformation and misconceptions about the disease still exist.
More than 40 years after the discovery of AIDS, misconceptions persist. According to an Ipsos survey for Sidaction, 23% of 15-24 year olds think that HIV can be transmitted by kissing, 17% by perspiration. A quarter of those surveyed also said that they had never received any education in sexual health during their schooling. “We talked about it more in college than in high school, but in high school too we had a few moments of awareness in progress”says a student. “If we had any, it’s really very, very little”nuances one of his comrades.
BTS students take advantage of Sidaction every year to raise awareness. “You really have to take it as a joke, otherwise high school students don’t dare talk about it”assures Quentin Saint-Léger, BTS student at Alexis de Tocqueville high school in Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes). The high school provides education in sexual health, and a dozen teachers have just been trained by the academy in order to be able to answer students’ questions. Sidaction also wants associations to intervene more often in schools.
– IFOP survey for Sidaction: Young people, information and AIDS prevention
– Portrait of Nicolas Arragona in Transversal, Sidaction’s magazine:–La-COVID-19-vient-remuer-beaucoup-de-choses-lorsque-l-on-est-seropositif-
– The Supersero website:
– ANRS report: where is the epidemic in France?
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