How to relieve back pain with our coach, Quentin de Wilde!

It is a sad observation. According to an OpinionWay survey for Vexim, nine out of ten French people have already suffered from back pain. One of those “ills of the century” which is sometimes difficult to get rid of since among those people who have already complained of having back pain, nearly one person in 5 admits to not coping with this recurring health problem!

To relieve back pain – not linked to a particular pathology -, in particular in the lower back, sports coach Quentin De Wilde has found some solutions that he shared via his Instagram account!

Indeed, via a video posted on his feed, the man revealed these simple tips to relieve back problems: “Stop prolonged station in the same position (often it’s sitting on a chair) Replace it with different positions at regular intervals, or choose an option that allows you to be mobile at all times: standing desk or Swissball for example”, initially advises Quentin De Wilde.

Another advice from the coach: practice regular physical activity, in other words move! “Increase your activity level: cycling or walking, for example. You can impose a minimum number of steps per day, to be sure to have some physical activity. The number does not matter, what matters is to do more than before »did he declare.

Finally, the online coach also recommends building muscle: “don’t be afraid of exercises with loads if they are well done and if the load is progressive. Strengthen your glutes, but also your whole body, this will allow you to be stronger in your movements and daily activities and therefore to compensate less in your daily activities », he concludes. Valuable advice to apply today!

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