how to reforest a forest devastated by the flames?



Article written by

A.Jolly, C.Terroille, A.Delcourt, Drone images Frédéric Jésu, L.Latour – France 2

France Televisions

After the fires that ravaged the Gironde, the question arises as to how the forest can be replanted. By way of example, 4 years ago, 57 hectares of the forest of Senart also burned. Since then, 38,000 new trees have taken root to reforest the disaster area.

The fires are a real disaster for the forests, because they are consumed under the flames. The forest of Senart (Seine-et-Marne, Essonne) experienced a fire that burned 57 hectares in 2018. “The whole part where we are where we see low vegetation is the part that was destroyed by fire in October 2018”Explain Frank Saintipoly. Gradually, nature takes back its rights and vegetation grows again. “We have pioneer vegetation that comes to recolonize this environment”asserts Frank Saintipolyhead of ONF – Forest of Senart.

If the vegetation starts to grow again naturally, an initiative has still been launched by the ONF to try to reforest the places affected by the fire. Thus, no less than 38,000 trees have taken root in the forest. During this particular operation, ONF employees chose species that were less prone to the various waves of drought. “We went looking for species that are more present in the Mediterranean basin, on the Atlantic coast, precisely because they are in areas where the climate we have today will be the climate we will have here tomorrow”noted Frank Saintipoly. However, it will take years before the trees reach the expected 30 meters.

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