How to reduce your stretch marks this summer?

Affecting both men and women from adolescence to adulthood, stretch marks can be of different colors, affect different parts of the body and have several appearances. They are the result of too much stretching of the elastic fibers of the skin. They can be caused by significant weight gain or loss, rapid growth, but also by endocrine disease or disturbed hormonal activity, as often happens during puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

Be careful though: it is difficult to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. On the other hand, we can adopt good practices to anticipate their arrival, but also to mitigate them over the weeks.

Massages and treatments

Massages (palpating-rolling type or circular massage) improve the suppleness and elasticity of the skin, and therefore reduce stretch marks. For better effectiveness, massage yourself in the evening using oil treatments or anti-stretch mark creams, containing active ingredients that stimulate collagen production and deeply moisturize your skin.

prescription creams

Some prescription creams can also help. Cream based on vitamin A acid, based on retinoic acid… All of them act effectively on stretch marks!

The vascular laser

The vascular laser destroys the blood capillaries responsible for the red color of certain stretch marks, but also calms the inflammation and limits the expansion of the stretch marks.

The remodeling laser

The remodeling laser acts directly on the dermis. In other words, this type of laser makes it possible to redensify the collagen and thicken the dermis.


Vitamins A and E are recognized for their virtues on the skin and their antioxidant properties. You can find it in anti-stretch mark creams, or consume it naturally by eating seasonal fruits and vegetables. Because a good diet and a healthy lifestyle are crucial.


Less invasive than peeling, microneedling consists of perforating the skin using a small electric pen fitted with micro-needles. It induces an increase in the synthesis of collagen and elastin and therefore allows skin cells to regenerate gently.

Infrared or radiofrequency treatments

These two techniques consist in heating the dermis to 40°C so that it retracts and the skin tightens.

Protect your skin from the sun

By exposing your stretch marks to the sun without precaution, you risk accentuating them. Cover your stretch marks with clothing or with SPF 50 sunscreen.

Good to know : no technique can eliminate 100% of stretch marks! Consult a dermatologist who can refer you to more specialized treatments or surgeries.


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