“How to reduce incivility in Mayenne?”

France Bleu Mayenne was live from La Renaissance café this Thursday evening in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne for the fourth episode of its program Place Publique. After local shops, health and mobility, the debate was devoted to incivility in our department.

Cigarette butts, masks, waste thrown on the ground but also burglaries and personal violence : is the feeling of insecurity growing in Mayenne? Pascal Fouchet and Alexandre Fremont spoke about it with their guests, including Philippe Henry the mayor of Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne, Brigitte Guillet from the association for citizen acts and Commander Eric Avdeew, deputy commander of the Departmental Gendarmerie Group of Mayenne.

►► Listen to the debate live from the La Renaissance café in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne

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