How to recycle your tree after the holidays?

Did you know ? It is forbidden to throw your tree on the sidewalk, under penalty of receiving a fine of up to 150 euros!

How to recycle your tree? Here are some tips!

Drop off your Christmas tree at collection points throughout France
The easiest way to get rid of your tree is to go to collection points. Once the tree has been deposited, it will then be crushed and used to protect plantations in green spaces.
In Paris, for example, nearly 175 collection points are open between December 26 and January 20!

Attention : to be recovered and recycled, the tree must be absolutely natural, without flocking or packaging!

Bring the tree to the recycling center
If there is no collection point in your city, take your tree directly to the recycling center. Some communities have even set up special treatment to give them a second life, by mixing them with other green waste, to make compost, firewood or shredded material.

Replant your tree
If you have a garden, you can consider replanting it, if the tree is not cut down and still has its roots.
If it is cut, you can make compost to maintain your beautiful plantations or put it in the plant shredder to use it as mulch.

Using wood as a source of fire and heat
When your tree has dried, you can use it to light the barbecues this summer or your fireplace during the winter, to enjoy the magnificent fireplaces with your family!

There is no better fire starter than fir wood!

Bring his tree to a sign that collects them after Christmas
Once the Christmas period is over, many brands offer a tree collection system. This is particularly the case of the company Ikea, which offers a reduction voucher to customers bringing back their tree purchased in their stores.

Rent his tree
Some brands even offer to rent Christmas trees! This is particularly the case of the site, which has been recovering trees since 2012 to give them a second life.

Use your imagination
You can also keep a few branches from your tree to make beautiful decorations, all year round! For example, you can create magnificent compositions, photo frames or even lampshades!

Treat yourself with fir thorns
Fir thorns have toning and antibacterial properties! So don’t hesitate to make hot foot baths, compose a herbal tea or make delicious recipes that will boost your immune defenses and improve your blood circulation.

Recycle your tree into insecticide
How about using your tree as an insecticide? To do this, boil 5 liters of water, then add 150 grams of fir thorns, and finally filter the resulting mixture! All you have to do is spray it in the strategic corners of your home, such as corners or windows!

Did you know ? Artificial trees represent 1 million sales per year. Made of petroleum-based materials, fir trees have a significant ecological impact.


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