How to reconcile with food?

Whether we tend to snack all day, skip every other meal, embark on a new diet every three months or throw ourselves on cakes at the slightest annoyance, our relationship with food is rarely pacified. , especially in women. Thereby, 44% of French women say they have suffered from dietary imbalances during their lifetime (Ipsos survey for Qare).

Why do we feel that eating calms us down? What foods act as “cuddly toys”? Why diets are of no help in the face of emotional pounds? How to rediscover the pleasure of eating, without guilt or excess?

Geraldine Mayr receives Johanne Averdy, life coach and specialist in emotional eating. She published My emotional pounds notebook at Solar editions. It explains the links that can exist between certain emotions and the feeling of hunger, between milestones in our lives and food, and gives us keys to help us reconcile with our plate.

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