How to recognize the birds in our gardens?

Among the regulars of the garden in winter and especially if you have provided them with seeds, there are:

  • the tits, the great and the blue,
  • the house sparrow,
  • the redbreast,
  • the chaffinch,
  • Robin,
  • the greenfinch (whose population shows a worrying decline),
  • the speckled accent that the profane eye confuses with the sparrow despite its gray collar …

And then there are the winterers

As J-Michel Passerault of the Deux-Sèvres Ornithological Group says:

  • the more colorful finch that comes from the north,
  • the black tit, smaller than our regular feeders,
  • and the very recognizable core breaker Grosbec which hunts everyone when it comes to feed.

Each of us can help assess this entire population:

  • in Vienne on
  • and in Deux-Sèvres in

And wherever you are: naturalist on your smartphone.

Thank you Jean-Michel Passerault for the name predestined to love birds.

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