how to protect and take care of them this summer?

More sensitive than humans to temperature changes, pets find it very difficult to regulate their body temperature and suffer more during strong heat episodes, which can be fatal to them.

Did you know ? Perspiration, which only humans are capable of producing, allows us to evacuate the heat from our body and lower its temperature. Animals, on the other hand, breathe to regulate their temperature, but this requires a lot of energy and heavy cardiac efforts.

To help them endure this season without a hitch, here are some good reflexes to adopt to relieve them during a heat wave!

1. Make sure your pet lacks nothing at home

In your house or in a shady corner of your garden, install several fresh water points. Also make sure he has enough food, ideally wet, such as mash or fresh sachets.

If your home has tiled floors, give it access to this cool place. If not, we advise you to moisten a bath mat so that he can lie down on it.

Did you know ? It is advisable to leave your pet in a room at 22°C

2. Avoid taking your pet out during the hottest hours

If your schedule allows, take your pet out in the morning before 10 a.m. and in the evening after 6 p.m. Indeed, hot bitumen can damage its pads and the heat can tire it very quickly. So, favor shady corners and earthy soils and often wet its paws and belly!

3. Think about the different treatments and vaccines!

Like children, animals require vaccines to be healthy. Before going on vacation, we advise you to check that all the vaccines are up to date, to carry out a dewormer and to apply an antiparasitic treatment for a summer without any problems.

4. Never leave your pet in the car

It is probably obvious to you not to leave your pet in the car, even if it is parked in the shade and the windows are open. However, each year, many animals die due to the extreme heat of the cabin, which can reach 60 degrees in just 15 minutes!

Good to know : Have you discovered an animal in a parked car? Immediately call the police or the gendarmerie. Law enforcement will be able to open the vehicle.

5. Keep cages and vivariums away from windows

Rodents, insects, reptiles… Many pets live in cages or vivariums. To take care of them, be sure to keep their habitats away from windows or very sunny rooms. Ideally, close your shutters when you are not at home and ventilate your house only in the evening. If necessary, you can lay a slightly damp towel around the cage or place water-rich fruits and vegetables for omni and herbivores, such as melon, watermelon or cucumber.

6. When you get back from the beach, rinse it off

Grains of sand and salt can irritate your pet’s skin. So, when you return from a trip to the beach, rinse your pet with fresh water and dry it. Insist more on his head, and especially near his eyes, to remove all the sand.

7. Care for the day of departure

Are you going on vacation with your pet and he tends to be stressed? Do not panic ! Many solutions exist to fight against the effects of stress. For more information, ask your veterinarian.

Attention : Depending on the country, regulations for pets vary. Passport, health check-up, certificates… Find out more before taking your tickets!

What to do in case of heat stroke?

If your pet is breathing faster than usual, panting rapidly, vomiting, or seems exhausted, hydrate it with a damp cloth. Also give him something to drink and put him in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

Despite this, if your animal’s condition does not improve or if it is elderly, do not hesitate to call veterinary emergencies or take it directly to its veterinarian.


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