How to properly prepare your holidays with family or friends for a stress-free summer?

From booking to managing activities and daily life on site, summer holidays can sometimes turn into a headache. Tourism professionals and seasoned vacationers give their advice.

It’s the long-awaited time of the year: summer vacation. On this extended weekend of July 14, many vacationers are hitting the road to enjoy a few days of tranquility and escape. But between booking the resort, preparing the suitcases and managing the activities on site, the moment of relaxation can quickly turn into a headache. For holidays with family or friends in complete serenity, franceinfo has gathered advice from tourism professionals and vacationers who know nothing about the organization.

For Jérôme, planning the summer stay is a well-rehearsed exercise. “Holidays, this is a sacred moment for me. Every year, I turn into a real tour operator”, jokes this father of two children. The reference for flights and car rental, the routes taken and the duration of the journeys, hotel reservations and visits… For his one-month road trip to the United States with his family, this Toulousain from 46 years old spent hours finding good deals and recording all the trip information in a spreadsheet. “It’s hard work, but I see it as an investment to make the most of the holidays”he judges.

Plan well in advance, the golden rule

For lack of time, other vacationers entrust the management of their week by the sea or on the other side of the world to professionals. “Part of the French”mainly among the wealthiest, “always use the services of travel agencies”, notes Jean-Pierre Mas, president of Travel Companies (EDV). By turning to an agency, “customers are looking for advice, the assurance of not screwing up by forgetting something essential and the possibility of having an identified contact person in the event of a problem”he lists.

In recent years, the services of “travel planners”, travel advisers, have also developed. Since 2017, Anne-Sophie Dupire, founder of Travel for you, has been supporting travelers by offering them tailor-made transport, accommodation and activity solutions. “Afterwards, it is up to them to make their choice and make the reservations. That’s all the difference with travel agencies”she says.

“It is often the mothers who contact me because, between the mental load of work and children, they no longer have time to prepare for the holidays.”

Anne-Sophie Dupire, travel consultant

at franceinfo

According to an Ifop study carried out last year, 66% of women believe they do more than their spouse in organizing trips, and 48% claim to be responsible for choosing accommodation alone.

Whether you turn to a professional or prepare your vacation alone, to leave with peace of mind, it is better to prepare your stay in advance. And even very early. “For the summer holidays, the ideal is to take care of it from the months of October and November”, says Anne-Sophie Dupire. Very early planning, especially for air travel abroad, because “Flight prices increase from January”, notes the travel consultant. In France, some popular tourist destinations are also quickly taken by storm. “In Corsica, from February, accommodation is already reserved”she notes.

Cover your back and don’t forget anything

For the most far-sighted, the insurance of being covered in the event of unforeseen events is essential. “Since the Covid, I think it’s important to have the guarantee of being able to cancel accommodation free of charge almost until the last minute”, testifies Gwen, 40, assistant accountant. Travel insurance also makes it possible to cover all or part of the expenses incurred in the event of cancellation, and offers several services such as repatriation or the payment of medical expenses during the trip. Some bank cards also provide cancellation insurance services. “Inquire in advance with your bank advisor to find out if you benefit from it and find out the conditions”recommends Adeline Leneveu, travel consultant at the head of Ad’Evasion.

A few days before departure, good preparation will also save you any hassle. “I usually start packing my suitcase a week in advance so I don’t forget anything and don’t get stressed out”, reports Gwen, who invites you to draw up a list of essentials to take with you. Your identity and travel documents (passport, identity card, driving licence, vaccination record, etc.) require special attention if you are going abroad. Remember to check their validity in advance and scan them to keep a copy in case of loss or theft. “We store all our documents and plane tickets in a cloud so that we can access them anywhere”explains for example Jérôme, the holidaymaker from Toulouse.

For parents, a few tips can make the trip easier. “With children, we always make sure to bring a medicine kit with bandages, disinfectant, antihistamine…”, Fanny list. To keep her two daughters aged 10 and 14 busy on their vacation journey, this 44-year-old teacher “download some movies and games”. For the youngest, “prepare a little surprise bag with things to snack on (candies, cakes, water bottle) and activities (books, games)”adds Anne-Sophie Dupire.

Avoid becoming a tourist guide

Leaving with peace of mind also means knowing that your home is in no danger during your absence. The police organize rounds to monitor the residences of vacationers. To benefit from it, simply report to the gendarmerie or police services, or register online, recalls the portal. Ask trusted neighbors or relatives to feed your animals, water your plants and pick up the mail while you’re away. Security companies also offer these services, recalls the Routard site.

Finally, if you take to the road, remember to check the condition of your car: check the levels (engine oil, brake fluid, coolant and windshield washer fluid), tire pressure, the operation of the lights and the condition of your spare wheel. If in doubt, an appointment with your mechanic can save you a lot of trouble on the way.

Once you have arrived safely, a few good practices can allow you to enjoy your stay without becoming a travel guide for your family or friends. To fully appreciate their week in Rome in August, Gwen and her partner have already planned everything: “We have booked a guided tour of the city, the Colosseum and the Vatican. We are considering adding a bike ride through the ruins and I have spotted places where I would like to eat”.

Without going so far as to plan all your excursions straight away, Anne-Sophie Dupire invites you to prepare a selection of activities and places to visit in advance, while maintaining flexibility. “When you have young children, the program can quickly be disrupted, explains the adviser. So, I propose different activities and I let the customers choose according to their desires of the day.”

“Be on the same wavelength”

Adapting the activities is also essential if you are traveling in a group, like Sophie and Dominique. For more than 15 years, these two Landais, aged 59 and 63, have gone away for a week with seven couples of friends. “As you get older, you can no longer go hiking all together for one day and you have to find activities that suit everyone”they say.

“We don’t necessarily all do the same outings: we have a group of visitors, a group of hikers and a group of cyclists.”

Sophie and Dominique

at franceinfo

Whether camping or renting, day-to-day management during their stay is also skilfully orchestrated. And for good reason, “some years, we were up to thirty when all the children left with us. It was a big logistics”, smile Sophie and Dominique. Each year, a different couple is therefore responsible for booking the holidays. and of manage the stewardship of the first days on site”. “The ‘organizers’ identify who brings what for the first meals and do the essential shopping”, they detail. Since good accounts make good friends, “a treasurer” hold a “Excel table with everyone’s expenses”. For those less keen on calculations, easy-to-use applications allow you to distribute expenses to avoid money conflicts.

Finally, the key to a successful vacation with your group of friends is to get to know each other and be on the same wavelength”summarize Sophie and Dominique. “If you plan to go with a group for the first time, test over a few days rather than a whole week”, they recommend. An opinion shared by Gwen, who regularly organizes stays with her friends: “Above all, agree on everything before departure: the budget, the activities, the desires.”

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