How to properly prepare for a marathon (or another race)

With sunny days, foot races return, such as the 16th edition of the Poitiers marathon. It is important to properly approach these different sporting events.

How to properly prepare and to prepare for a marathon, a half, 10 or 5 kilometers? Here is the advice of Guillaume Douet, osteopath.

  • Set your running distance

Once decided, your preparation time will vary depending on your physical condition. For example: In 3 months, an athlete can prepare for a marathon while a beginner will go more for a 10 km.

  • Register in advance

It gives you a goal, a motivation over time.

Your hiking shoes are not the same as your running sneakers, which are not the same as those for an outing with friends. Running sneakers are specific. They have features that help protect your body from the impact of strides. Get advice from a professional.

  • Train regularly

4 to 5 times a week. Get coached for more efficiency (apps, racing associations, teachers, etc.)

  • Do not neglect the recovery phases

Let your body recover properly between workouts . It is therefore important to have good sleep, a good diet and to stop drinking alcohol and sugary drinks.

  • The week before the race

Rest your body by relaxing workouts

HAVE FUN, take your time because the goal is to finish the race. The mind is a big part of your success!

Good race(s)!

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