How to prevent 80% of chronic diseases

Health systems are crumbling under the weight of chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, etc.). However, 80% of the most common chronic diseases could be prevented simply by changing our lifestyles. How ? Pediatrician and researcher Julie St-Pierre and her sidekick Jean-Marie Lapointe wanted to know.

The duo is launching the documentary this week Why wait ? Health at your fingertips, the result of a quest that took them to five countries, facing eminent researchers and personalities who have global and sustainable health at heart. Francesco Branca, from the World Health Organization (WHO); neuropsychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik; triathlete Pierre Lavoie; astronaut David Saint-Jacques; the Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard: the spectrum is wide.

Launched on May 28 at Jean-Eudes College in Montreal, the documentary will be available free to the public from May 31 to June 2 on the Cardiovascular Health Action Network website. It will then be associated with the Chair in interdisciplinary education for a healthy lifestyle, also launched this week. The plan is also to present it at documentary film festivals.

“There are punchy documentary films in the United States like Super Size Me. We’re not in that. Our film is not hype: it is a “little train goes far” film,” illustrates actor and author Jean-Marie Lapointe. “We want it to be a luminous documentary, full of solutions,” adds the DD St-Pierre, for whom television broadcasting is not a priority.

The film is made up of a series of interviews with experts from here and elsewhere, from whom the two interviewers wanted to “extract the elixir”, the pieces of the puzzle. Is adopting a healthy lifestyle an individual or collective responsibility? “Both,” replies Julie St-Pierre. It is individual, she says, provided that the person is informed and the options are accessible to them.

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