How to prepare the soil for planting tomatoes?

Jacky Mercier does not read the stars despite his long years of practice in market gardening but he thinks that it should no longer freeze now, except that he hastens to add that there was hail this 24 April on its farm in Frontenay sur Dive (86).

Has the hail caused damage?

There was 25 millimeters of water and the hailstones were the size of peas. Along the fences there were 5 cm. No damage but this morning: immediately I put Bordeaux mixture. Why ? Because hail creates wounds and action must be taken immediately to counter mildew.

And the tomatoes then, we plant them or not? They can be planted on the condition of using protections: arches with wintering veil above. In a greenhouse, of course, too.

If we plant tomatoes of so-called early varieties now, when will they yield? The first will be picked around June 24/25.

Jacky only works old varieties, never hybrids, here are some early tomatoes:

  • the Super Marmande,
  • Pink Beef Heart,
  • the Black Prince,
  • the Yellow Marmande…

All these old tomatoes are good to eat in salads.

Follow his advice to prepare the soil. To listen again. Thanks Jacky!

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