How to pay less for our health insurance?

The prices of mutual health insurance are increasing. We expect a 4 to 5% increase next year. How to reduce the bill?

Mutual health insurance plans are expected to increase by 4 to 5% next year, and many of us want to find a mutual fund that reimburses us for as much care as possible, the ones we do regularly, at an affordable price. Advice from Fanny Guinochet.

franceinfo: How to obtain a reasonable rate and reduce the bill?

Fanny Guinochet: Knowing that the increase of 4 to 5% is an average, you should know that the prices of mutual insurance companies depend on your age and the risks relating to your category of insured. When you are young, it is easier to get insurance than when you are senior, because you are less exposed to costly and regular pathologies.

Already, you need to look at what your mutual or complementary health insurance covers. And let’s be honest, it’s not that easy to sift through contracts,It takes time, it’s not always clear.

And the best thing is to try to have an advisor to go through your contract, and find out, roughly speaking, what support you receive for hospitalization, glasses, dental care, not covered by Social Security, especially for dental care, since 1er October, the remaining cost to the patient is higher.

Check the essential guarantees that you must keep, in particular the hospitalization costs which are the most expensive. But be vigilant about the reimbursement ceilings, that is to say the maximum amount that the mutual fund will reimburse per year for a type of care. Another little thing not to neglect: the waiting period too – the time before your support begins. It is these details that define the real quality of your health coverage.

We also need to look at what we can remove?

Yes, because if you are over 45 – 50 years old, it is not very useful to have “maternity” care, for example. You have teenagers at home, so we’re thinking about orthodontist coverage. Vou are prone to back pain, look at the physiotherapy reimbursements provided for in your contract. Once you have listed all your health coverage needs, do compete, but here too, it’s not always easy. Use comparators to request quotes.

And is it easier than before to change mutual insurance?

Yes, from now on, thanks to the infra-annual law, after one year of contract, you can change mutual health insurance, at any time, and without conditions. It’s really easier than before, which can also allow you to convince your current insurer to make a financial effort to keep you, it’s a lever of pressure. And then, also trying to group all members of the family on the same complementary health insurance, normally, this allows you to lower the bill by 5%.

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