How to optimize your purchases during the sales?

The winter sales will last in principle until February 8, except for a few exceptions. The first week is of course always that of the best deals, but Fanny Guinochet gives you some sound advice to take advantage of it to the end and make your purchases a success.

franceinfo: How to optimize your purchases during this period?

Fanny Guinochet: First, set yourself a budget, to avoid overspending, because this is typically the time when you let yourself be tempted. And, make a good list of the products you care about. Don’t wait too long for those that are a priority for you.

Know for example, that high tech products for example, are often the most popular during the winter sales, you can find really interesting discounts, but provided you do not expect too much. Especially right now with telework, there is a high demand, so the sales have already started a few days ago, don’t delay.

The sales this year end on February 8, except for a few specific regions, such as the Vosges and the Dom Tom. Find out.

Moreover, depending on the period, we do not have the same possibilities of making good deals ?

Yes, at the beginning of the sales, it’s logical, this is where you have the most choice of models or sizes, A week to 10 days later, the second markdown arrives, you have more chance of finding less 50% finally, the closer we get to the end, and the more traders destock and sell off -70% etc.

And then, even if everything is done to make you buy, beware of buying too compulsively, with the mention “Neither taken back nor exchanged”. Please note that this statement does not exempt the merchant from exchanging or refunding the item, in the event of defects, hidden defects or operating problems. On the other hand, if it is because the garment is not your size or you no longer like it, he is not legally bound to make a gesture.

And when you buy online, on the Internet?

The same conditions apply and the same regulations, with one major difference. Whether it is on sale or not, the item can be returned, without penalty, because, barring exceptions, you have a period – generally 14 days – from the date of delivery, but be careful, often the costs of returns remain your responsibility.

Also useful to know, the initial price must appear on the label, to properly measure the reduction. This precaution makes it possible in particular to avoid artificially inflated prices to make believe in a super discount.

Also, watch out for scams…

Yes, check the price, because there are errors more often than you imagine, when the trader shows minus 40% and in reality he makes you minus 35% only, it forces you to do the math , but it is safer.

Finally, as we often say here, beware of fabulous offers, especially in this period, especially online. Check that the site is not fraudulent, look carefully at the reviews, favor French or European shopping sites.

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