how to optimize your leave?


Video length: 1 min

Public holidays: how to optimize your leave?

Public holidays: how to optimize your leave? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – C. Guyon, A. Paris, E. Stervinou, D. Aysun

France Televisions

Like every year, there will be 11 public holidays in 2024. And this time, they all coincide with a day of the week, except July 14 which will fall on a Sunday.

The year always begins with one of them: public holidays, very popular with employees. Like every year, there will be 11 public holidays in 2024. Apart from July 14 which will fall on a Sunday, all of them will take place during the week, allowing you to optimize your days of rest. For example, if we take 7 days of RTT between April 29 and May 10, we actually have 14 days of rest. That fewer vacation days to take, and more time for us, for the children, it’s still appreciable”rejoices a mother.

Important days for the hotel industry

If during public holidays some businesses slow down, the catering sector takes the opportunity to stock up and work. “We work 7 days a week, we don’t have public holidays, we are on shift”, explains a restaurateur. Contrary to popular belief, each public holiday brings in nearly 3 billion euros thanks to the hotel and catering sector.

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