how to make it an asset?

Florence Foresti, Les Bodin’s or Blanche Gardin… Comedians are popular with the French, who find lightness, an outlet or simply the pleasure of laughing in these shows. But humor is not reserved for comedians alone, and can become a very valuable asset in our daily lives.

Whether at the office, with our colleagues or our superior, or at home with our teenagers, humor, used wisely, can improve relationships and communication, ease a tense atmosphere and defuse conflicts. Humor would even have a power of seduction: people who have a lot of humor seem to have more chance of seducing than others.

But how to handle humor according to the circumstances? Can we laugh at everything and with everyone? What are the different types of humor that exist? Can humor be learned? How to acquire the sense of repartee?

To answer these questions, Geraldine Mayr receives Vanessa Marcie, doctor in information and communication science, coach and speaker. She published The power of humor published by Eyrolles and tells us how to use humor in our daily lives.

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