How to make a Norwegian pot

Our lifestyles where everything must go faster and more easily have relied on everything “electric-electronic”, even for cooking. However, the principle of the Norwegian pot is disconcertingly simple. Even the lack of time is not an argument not to use it. Quite the contrary. You just need a heat-resistant box that can be closed hermetically. How to make a Norwegian cooking pot type box? France Bleu gives you the answer, here.

As with your “robot-cooker” dish, you prepare the ingredients according to your recipe, but in a cast-iron casserole dish, on your baking sheet. Once the dish has warmed up, you turn off the hotplate, move the cast iron casserole dish in the box, keeping the lid tightly closed. You wrap the casserole dish in a blanket, and you close the box tightly. Your dish will continue to cook very slowly at “stewed”! This rediscovery of the Norwegian cooking pot is part of Low-Tech. Low-Tech is not cheap technology, but low energy and sustainable technology.

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