How to have a safe Christmas despite COVID-19?

On the eve of the holiday season receptions, many questions persist about how to proceed to celebrate safely in our homes.

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To help you, pharmacist Diane Lamarre offers you some advice to minimize the risk of virus transmission.


First, before the reception, the host of the evening could send an invitation by email in which the instructions to follow would be written.

“It will allow people to know a little what to expect and to continue not to lower their guard completely despite this occasion of celebration”, explains Mme Lamarre.

Before the guests arrive, Diane Lamarre recommends preparing markers for the glasses and avoiding making common dishes where all the guests can take turns helping themselves.

“Ideally, it should be portions already planned. We make a small saucer and put what we want to offer people and people each have their plate with as little sharing as possible, ”she says.

When the time comes to sit down to the table, the pharmacist encourages guests to continue to apply this measure by having poured the wine and prepared the plates in advance. For the rest of the service, “designated servers” could be appointed.

As young children will not be adequately immunized, it should also be taken into account that they can be more important vectors of transmission.


In terms of entertainment, karaoke and similar activities should be avoided. It is also best to keep the background music at a minimum volume.

“It has been recognized that if we put on very loud music, everyone speaks louder, everyone projects more”, notes Mme Lamarre.

Although it is not the best friend of many Quebecers, the mask could prove very useful. So is the disinfection of hands and things that can be handled, such as board game pieces.

“It remains a very important barrier measure,” she says.

Finally, ventilation could play an important role in limiting contagion.

“Turn on the fans on the stove or in our bathroom and open the windows a bit to circulate the air. These are simple measures within everyone’s reach ”

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