How to fill holes in the vegetable garden in summer

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

Throughout the summer, certain rows of vegetables gradually become empty. To optimize the available space, why not take advantage of it to plant fast-growing seedlings? Extend the season in the vegetable garden with these suggestions for vegetables to sow in July, August and September.

Successive sowing for a staggered harvest

For some vegetables, it is better to sow the quantity of vegetables initially planned over a period of three to four weeks. This technique of successive sowing makes it possible to spread out the harvests and enjoy fresh vegetables over a longer period, without being overwhelmed by quantities that will have to be processed or frozen. During the summer, watering newly planted seeds will be essential for good results.

Which vegetables to sow in July?

Lettuces, radishes and spinach, already uprooted, can be replaced by a variety of seedlings, from the beginning of July:

  • turnips
  • Carrots
  • Beans
  • beets
  • Rutabagas
  • Herbs, such as cilantro and basil

Which vegetables to sow in August?

Although temperatures are generally cooler in August, some vegetables will adapt well to these conditions.

  • turnips
  • Swiss chard.
  • Lettuces (from mid-August)

Which vegetables to sow in September?

Growing vegetables in the fall has many benefits! Sow fast-growing vegetables to get a harvest in no time.

These seedlings can withstand the first cold spells and can be harvested until October, or even before the first frost. To extend the harvest season, the use of plastic tunnels can protect the plants from the first cold weather. You can also plant perennial vegetables for next year’s harvest.
Finally, if you plan to sow in summer, consider buying the necessary seeds in anticipation. Many garden centers also offer seeds throughout the year!

This content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, relating to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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