How to fall asleep in 60 seconds… the crazy trick revealed by doctor Jimmy Mohamed, on the set of “TPMP”

Jimmy Mohamed is not unknown to fans of Do not touch My TV. This Tuesday, March 15, 2022, he was invited to Cyril Hanouna’s set to present his second book called Zero constraints: above all, do not change anything. In this book, readers will be able to find nearly 48 scientifically validated tips for living in better health.

“We lived through a complicated period full of injunctions and constraints. We realize that we are not all equal in the face of the disease. On the other hand, we have daily advice that we can all apply to put all the chances on our side and avoid getting sick” first justified the doctor.

For Jimmy Mohamed, it’s very simple. “Often, we will take medicine to treat ourselves. But the best medicine is prevention,” he underlined. However, there are several methods to put an end to everyday hassles naturally, such as to fall asleep. The 4-7-8 method is indeed a technique to fall asleep in 60 seconds.

All day, we will be confronted with somewhat stressful information (…) to fall asleep we need a transition” explained the specialist, taking the example of children who need to take a break with a story just before going to bed. Jimmy Mohamed continues: “We also need a transition (…) the principle is simple. By controlling our breathing, we can fall asleep in 60 seconds”.

The method ? “You have to take an inspiration for four seconds. You block for seven seconds you exhale eight seconds”. You have to repeat this three to four times to allow the heart to slow down and voila, you are guaranteed sleep! In any case, no columnist took the risk of really doing it on the set at the risk of having their ears pulled by Cyril Hanouna live… And you, did you know this trick from an American specialist?

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