how to explain the rise in the prices of certain products?



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The prices of many food products are on the rise in France. On the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo Monday, October 25, the journalist of France Televisions Dorothée Lachaud decrypts these increases.

The baguette is getting more and more expensive. But in addition to wheat, it is possible to see in the supermarket shelves that the rise in prices also concerns “cereals in general but also coffee, sugar, various raw materials”, underlines the journalist Dorothée Lachaud on the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo Monday, October 25. She cites a recent study by “the first price brands”. “We will note an increase of 2.9% for the price of pasta, 1.4% for milk. And this does not only concern food products, it also concerns their packaging, whether steel or more cardboard. It’s the same, it impacts their price: + 3.4% for eggs, + 3% for canned vegetables this year “, she adds.

Dorothée Lachaud highlights two main factors to explain these increases. “First of all, this year the harvests were very bad due to bad weather in the spring”, she explains, referring to “episodes of frost, hail. Consequence: fewer agricultural products available and that drives up prices”. The journalist also indicates that after “At the peak of this Covid crisis, there were very great tensions on transport and in particular on sea freight. It created traffic jams.”


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