how to explain the rise in the price of pharmaceutical products?



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To better understand the reasons for the sharp rise in the prices of pharmaceutical products, the 11 p.m. of franceinfo interviewed Stéphane Carcillo, economist at the OECD.

How to explain such a marked increase in the prices of products in pharmacies? Stéphane Carcillo, economist for the OECD, evokes on the part of industrialists a phenomenon “inflation anticipation. For the coming months, the various players, both in the pharmaceutical sector but also elsewhere, anticipate cost increases, in particular labor costs.“, although he acknowledges that some of these price increases are “opportunists“.

That which affects diapers, for example, reaches up to 91%. The economist believes for his part that the competition authorities must look into this type of case and ensure that such increases are actually justified by the cost of raw materials. He also indicates that the salary increase measures observed in certain sectors only constitute compensation “partialof ongoing inflation.

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