how to explain the new train disaster?



Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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India is accustomed to train disasters, trains that derail, that collide. How to explain these repeated accidents. The point with Lucie Berbey, in duplex from New Delhi in India.

The rail disaster that occurred in India on the evening of Friday June 2 in India made, according to a provisional report, nearly 300 dead. This new disaster revives the debate on railway safety. In 2021, a total of nearly 18,000 accidents were recorded on the network.railway bucket, whether serious or not. “But most of them are related to the dilapidated Indian railway network. However, the government has already invested tens of billions of euros to renovate the rail system in recent years.says Lucy Berbey.

60,000 kilometers of tracks

But it turns out to be a huge task. “Ihe Indian network has more than 60,000 kilometers of track, which is three times more than the French network. But the train remains the preferred means of transport in the country, says the journalist. VSach year is more than 8 billion of travelers who borrow Indian rail, often in trains overcrowded.

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