How to explain the custody of Séverine, new companion of the husband?

One year to the day after the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn), the investigation experienced a new twist on Wednesday with the arrest and placement in custody on sight of Séverine Longhini, the new companion of Cédric Jubillar, in pre-trial detention since last June for “intentional homicide”.

This woman has been heard since 7 am this Wednesday, December 15 on rogatory commission of the investigating judges for “complicity in the concealment of a corpse”, at the gendarmerie of Gaillac, according to a source close to the investigation. This new act of investigation therefore takes place on the anniversary date of the nurse’s disappearance. Could it be a simple coincidence of the calendar?

According to a former Police Commissioner interviewed by France Bleu Occitanie, this custody, one year to the day after the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, is a “pure and simple chance”. He recalls that in this kind of long-term cases, progress is constant and not systematically publicized.

Obtain a confession, a confidence

But we can also see in this custody pressure on Cédric Jubillar by the two investigating judges. Indicted for the murder of his wife, the latter denies the facts and no material evidence has yet come to support the case.

So after having tried to obtain information from the mother of the respondent, his stepfather, his half-sister and very recently from his son Louis, aged 7, the magistrates killed one of their last card: that of the mistress, hoping for a confession, or at least the revelation of a confidence on the pillow.

The investigating judges conduct the investigation in the same timing as the press : dozens of media have been working for several days now on the one year of this news item which captivates the whole of France.

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