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Women are less affected by Alzheimer’s disease. A study from Harvard University evokes the possible effects of hormonal treatments of menopause. Decryption with doctor and journalist Damien Mascret on the set of 12/13, Tuesday April 4.
Women are less affected by Alzheimer’s disease. One of the explanations could be the hormonal treatment of the menopause. “In the 90s, it was noticed that women who took hormone treatment for menopause, THM for abbreviation, reduced their risk of dementia, in particular Alzheimer’s disease, by 30 to 40%. In the momentum, we therefore tested the THM in women who were starting Alzheimer’s disease, but there was a disappointment: no effectiveness.“, introduces Dr. Damien Mascret on the set of 12/13, Tuesday April 4.
The impact of THMs
A new study from Harvard University has conducted new experiments. “The researchers first noticed that, compared to men, women showed on brain imaging examinations increased deposits of Tau proteins in the area of the brain where Alzheimer’s disease begins., explains the health professional. Before continuing:These deposits are even more important in two cases: women who have suffered from premature menopause […] and those who delayed before taking a THM.“