how to eat fruits and vegetables without them being too expensive for us?


Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

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Fruits and vegetables are often a little more expensive, especially at the start of the season. But is this really the case in general? The point with Dorothée Lachaud, on the set of 13 Hours.

Is eating French necessarily more expensive? “It’s often what we believe, but it’s not always true. I did the test this morning on the supermarket side, on the site of a major brand. The punnet of round French strawberries is sold at 2 euros 89 against 2 euros 99 for the same variety, from Spain. For courgettes, the French organic kilo is sold for 3 euros 49, two cents less than its equivalent from Europe”, notes Dorothée Lachaud. The particularity of these two foods is thate these are two seasonal products, which are not grown in heated greenhouses.

Several tips to lower prices

There are several tips and good plans to save on your fruit and vegetable basket. The first is “from buy directly from your neighbor. Of the platforms as fruit and food allow you to sell, give away or buy the fruits and vegetables of amateur gardeners, says the journalist. The second tip is to get the anti-waste baskets, in which some traders offer vegetables ugly‘. Iprices are often sold off, continues Dorothée Lachaud. The last possibility is to look for pickings not far from his home.

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