how to easily find the seasonal job of your dreams?

Baby-sitting, summer camps, hotels and restaurants, seasonal agricultural work… Many summer jobs are offered each year.

Do you want to work this summer to gain more experience and finance your studies or your vacation? Here is everything you need to know before looking for your summer job and all the tips for finding the one that best suits your aspirations.

At what age can you work?

You can start working as early as 16, with written permission from your parents or guardian.

Did you know ? In some cases, however, work may be authorized from the age of 14. See terms here.

What are the rights?

First, find out about the employment contract offered: this contract, necessarily for a fixed term, can take different forms depending on the nature of the job (fixed-term contract, seasonal employment contract, temporary employment contract, etc.) .

As an employee, you must benefit from the same advantages as the other employees of the company (meal tickets, breaks, etc.), but also respect the same general work rules and the same obligations.

In addition, if you are under 18, you benefit from specific protections: for example, you cannot work at night, work more than 35 hours or carry out certain tasks.

What is the minimum wage?

Paid each month with a payslip, the salary is at least equal to the minimum wage for young people aged 18 and over.

For young people under 17, this remuneration rises to 80% of the minimum wage. For young people aged 17 to 18, it is equal to 90% of the minimum wage.

Did you know ? Since January 1, 2023, the amount of the Smic is €11.27 gross per hour, or €1,709.28 per month on the basis of 35 hours per week.

Which sectors are hiring the most?

Among the sectors that recruit the most during the summer period, we find activities related to tourism (hotels and restaurants, museums, outdoor centres, tourist offices, sales, vehicle rental, entertainment, etc.) and agricultural activities (harvesting , crops, markets, etc.)

How to find the ideal offer?

Can’t figure out what type of summer job is right for you? Here are some tips that will help you quickly find a seasonal job:

  • consult reference sites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, JobSeason, HelloWork, the site of your town hall or your regional council, or sites specialized in the field sought;
  • use the 1 young person, 1 solution platform, listing seasonal job offers or fixed-term contracts;
  • make an appointment with an adviser from the local Mission or Pôle emploi;
  • participate in open days, recruitment sessions or forums to meet companies;
  • submit your CV and cover letter directly to the desired stores;
  • send their unsolicited application to company sites;
  • read advertisements in stores;
  • talk about his job search with those around him.

How to apply?

Have you identified the offer of your dreams? Now, place for the CV, cover letter and interviews!

To create your CV, we advise you to personalize your CV according to your future employer and the job you are looking for. After filling in your contact details and your personal information, you must include a title, oriented on the job offer (“salesman”, “clerk of the kitchen”, etc.) and the company concerned (“within X “, “within service X”).

In addition, your CV must present your career, presented in an antecronological way (from the most recent to the oldest). It is advisable to start with your training, then continue with your professional experience. You do not have any ? It’s not serious ! The main thing is to be motivated and dynamic, because you will always find a recruiter who is sensitive to your profile and your personality.

The third part of your CV should be dedicated to your passions: sport, travel, video games, volunteering… don’t hesitate to highlight your areas of interest! They can tell a lot about you!

A final part should highlight your various professional and personal skills. Do you like working in a team? Do you speak several languages? List all your skills and qualities!

Did you know ? Photography is not compulsory! On the other hand, it is strongly recommended because a CV with photo is more likely to be read!

For the cover letter, nothing could be simpler! In this article, we have detailed all the steps to create a cover letter worthy of the name! Be sure to fill in your availability dates!

Did you know ? The motivation letter must not exceed 1 page and must contain several paragraphs, to be more readable.

Before your interview, get ready! Try to answer classic questions, such as: “Why did you apply?”, “What can you offer the company?”. Also rehearse your presentation several times, trying to emphasize the experiences or activities of which you are most proud or which relate to the position in question. Finally, find out about the company, but also about the position. In short, you must be able to answer the following question: What are the main skills and qualities required for this job and why am I able to do it?


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