how to counter rising water levels?


Video length: 2 min

Global warming: how to counter rising water levels?

Global warming: how to counter rising water levels? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – V. Frédéric, H. Abdelkhalek, A. Popuri, V. Reynaud, J. Cohen-Olivieri, Masae Analytics

France Televisions

Rising water levels and coastal erosion are affecting more and more coastlines around the world. COP28 approved a donation intended to compensate the poorest countries affected by these natural disasters.

The poorest countries, and those most exposed to natural disasters, will benefit from a fund intended to compensate them. A decision ratified during COP28, which ended last week in Dubai. Funding that will allow countries affected by coastal erosion or rising water levels to implement concrete solutions. In Atafona, Brazil, the land loses nearly three meters every year. The bottom could make it possible to build a large sand dike and plant a vegetation barrier to slow down the rising water levels.

Concrete wall and breakwater

In the South Pacific, in New Caledonia, the same results. In the city of Nouméa, the authorities have decided to commit 16 million euros of work. A concrete wall was built between the beach and the road and should help to fix the coastline and slow down the energy of the waves. Breakwaters, which will act as artificial reefs and which should protect the beach, could also be installed in the ocean. Facilities which will surely be insufficient in the long term.

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