How to compose a bed with bulbs, with our garden expert Étienne Wirth

Plant the bulbs from October to November, the point upwards and respecting a depth equal to twice the height of the bulb. Space each bulb 8 to 10 cm apart to create a mass effect.

Plant tulip bulbs, follow the advice of our garden expert!


Plant them tight, mix colors, varieties and play with flowering periods. Allow 50 bulbs per m² or groups of 7 to 15 bulbs.

To bring out the colors, a trick is to always incorporate a variety of white flowers.

Forty years of experience at your service every Saturday on France Bleu Lorraine from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. with your questions live on 03 87 52 13 13.

And as a bonus every weekend to support you even better in your projects a video tutorial
with Etienne Wirth who welcomes you to his own green space: CréaVégétal in Woippy.

>>> See the file with all Video Tutorials
from our weekend experts

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My France: Energy savings

Generalized increase in the cost of living, risk of shortage of electricity or gas, extreme climatic phenomena: these crises upset our daily lives, transform our lifestyles, push us to draw the contours of new horizons. To meet these challenges, France Bleu and are launching a major citizen consultation around energy savings. Take a stand on these solutions & propose your own!

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