how to combat information fatigue?


Video duration:
3 mins

Anxious news: how to combat information fatigue?

Anxious news: how to combat information fatigue? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – F.Vallet, B.Véran, M.Barrois, I.Marques, O.Sauvayre

France Televisions

The flood of bad news and atrocities can become oppressive. This is called information fatigue or infobesity. It already affects more than one in two French people. How to get rid of it? Response elements.

War, attack, natural disaster, economic crisis… information is everywhere, all the time, and more and more vulnerable people are in front of the screens. So can we protect ourselves? How to do ? Like many French people, a group of students feels overwhelmed, even desperate, by the influx of bad news. “It’s anxiety about all the horrors that we can see, which are published all the time, constantly. We have less distance from that”estimates a student.

An impact on the brain

Faced with this bad news, some have decided to deactivate their notifications, a withdrawal strategy. Negative information has a real impact on the brain. “When we consume anxiety-provoking information, we stop breathing, we have muscle tension, we can have insomnia problems”explains Doctor Rapoport-Hubschman.

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