The temperatures are currently freezing, which makes you want to take refuge under the duvet. But what are the warmest and most durable duvets?
Reading time: 3 min

At a time of extreme cold, take a look at the duvets that can warm us up at home. Sylvie Metzelard, editor-in-chief of the magazine 60 million consumers, details for franceinfo consumer, the result of a test that the monthly carried out this month, on 10 duvets, 5 with natural filling, 5 others with synthetic filling. Which are the warmest, the most resistant, their performance and maintenance tips. Decryption.
franceinfo: You have chosen to test “temperate” duvets, that is to say, and why?
Sylvie Metzelard: This means that they are suitable for rooms where it is between 18 and 21 degrees. It’s the light duvet that you can keep on your bed all year round. We chose this one because it is the most purchased. If it is less than 18 degrees in your room, and you are cold, it is better to opt for a so-called warm duvet.
Is there a big difference in performance?
Yes, particularly for what we call comfort performance, including the insulating power and breathability of the duvet. Ideally, you should combine the two. Concretely, on arrival, the sleeper is very warm, and if he sweats, the humidity escapes easily.
But are all the instructions clearly written on the labels, because you can’t try on a duvet, unlike a mattress for example?
No, everything is not well indicated. On the insulating power in particular, we find nothing, even though it is important. For our lab tests, we followed the standardized tests of baby sleeping bags, the results of which must appear on the labeling. The same should be true for comforters.
Regarding maintenance, are there things you need to know to make your duvet last over time??
First of all, you have to go easy on the washes, and be careful to only do dry cleaning, when that is what is recommended. To protect your duvet, you must also adapt your cover to the size of the duvet. Otherwise, there may be friction which will accelerate its wear.
You must also shake it every day, making sure that the filling is well distributed. And if you absolutely want to wash it, you must ensure that your washing machine has sufficient capacity. For a 220 by 240 duvet, you need a 12 kg.
Does this mean that we should favor dry cleaners or laundromats with large capacity washing machines?
It all depends on the duvet of course, for a duvet filled with silk fibers, dry cleaning is mandatory, for example. And for a duvet with dimensions larger than 140X200, we forget the traditional washing machine in the house.
And in terms of price, is synthetic really more economical than natural down?
Yes, synthetic is generally less expensive than natural fillings (down and feathers or silk fibers).
You also tested the potential toxicity of these duvets, what did that give?
Yes, we have also carried out tests called “toxic tests” to control the formaldehyde and heavy metal content. And good news, all the products are on point. There is no health risk.
Should you prefer to buy a duvet in a specialized store?
Not particularly, non-specialized stores offer both synthetic and natural fillings. And besides, the one who comes third position in our ranking is a La Redoute duvet, behind a Linvosges and an Alinéa.