How to choose the right interior paint

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

Painting a child’s room, a bathroom or a living room does not require the same type of paint. In addition to deciding on a color, paying close attention to components and “finishes” is an essential step. But how to find it?

There is no right or wrong paint, there are only suitable paints for each situation. This is the first lesson to be learned from our interview with Amine Bradaï, technical director at MF Paintings, a manufacturer and distributor entirely from Quebec. “If we have paints that cost less, that doesn’t mean they aren’t good,” explains the expert.

When it comes to analyzing your needs, two elements are important: the type of paint and the type of finish.

In terms of the type of paint, unless in special cases, such as wanting to paint metal or protect a surface from rust, which may require specific paints, water-based paints, made from acrylic resin , are preferable to those based on solvents. They dry quickly, they have a low odor and, above all, they are more ecological, since they contain few volatile organic compounds (VOC). Ideal for bedroom walls.

For a children’s room, where naughty hands and crayons threaten the walls daily, 100% acrylic paint is the perfect option. Although more expensive, this paint with excellent washability is more resistant to stains and temperature variations.

For new walls, you can choose acrylic latex paints. “It’s a good choice for wall extensions or additions, basements or closets,” says Bradaï. Tight budgets who do not want to invest too much and prefer to maintain their interior with periodic brush strokes will be delighted.

Reflection and parts of the house

In terms of finishes — the shades of gloss, if you will —, it is especially important to understand that they vary according to the percentage of light reflection. Thus, while matte and eggshell finishes reflect very little light (from 0 to 12%), the situation is quite different for semi-gloss finishes (up to 45%).

For a living room ceiling, we will rather choose the uniform rendering of a matte finish, because it has very few reflections. “The other advantage of this finish is that it will hide all the flaws,” adds our expert. Another option would be the satin finish, with a velvety finish, a trendy option a little more glossy than the matte finish, but which remains very soft.

For a kitchen or bathroom wall, on the other hand, we will choose the semi-gloss finish, because it is very easy to clean and withstands moisture and wear better. This finish, with a high percentage of light, is also very suitable for painting moldings, as it delicately highlights the details. Located between semi-gloss and satin in terms of shine, the pearl finish is also an option to consider because of its good resistance.

Techniques and preparation

“Surface preparation is the secret to the success of any painting project,” emphasizes Mr. Bradaï. Before starting to paint, the surface of the walls must therefore be clean and dry. We get rid of dirt, mold, dust and other unwanted grease stains using a degreaser, called PTS (trisodium phosphate).

After rinsing with clean water, remove the last imperfections by lightly sanding with sandpaper. Warning: after filling nail holes with plaster, you must also sand the surface well if you do not want to end up with extra thickness on the wall.

A final cleaning is necessary before giving free rein to his talents as a painter. “Sanding dust can create microbubbles or poor adhesion with the paint,” explains Mr. Bradaï.

Temperature, cutting, patience

Other essentials? A good cut out of the wall, an adequate ambient temperature and a dose of patience.

For a classic piece, short nap flat brushes and 10mm nap rollers work just fine. First, the edge of the ceilings as well as the window and door frames are painted about 5 to 7.5 centimeters (2.5 to 3 inches) in height, paying increased attention to droplets and splatters. This technique is practical when the time comes to pass the roller: the strip already painted prevents, for example, from overflowing on the ceiling.

“The air in the room should not be too dry, as we see in winter, notes Mr. Bradaï, because the paint could dry too quickly, which would harm the work of water evaporation and the dynamics molecules between them. » Paint that dries too quickly is paint that doesn’t lay down properly, and could leave roller marks on the wall. The impatient will therefore refrain from using a fan to speed up drying.

At each step, the roller should remain soaked with paint. Empty, there is a risk of “ripping off” the freshly applied paint as you go over it. It will be better to finish by rolling in the same direction. A top-down gesture is a good strategy to ensure a beautiful finish and a harmonious texture. In all elegance, of course.

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