How to boost your brain?

The brain, together with the spinal cord, constitutes the central nervous system. This is a complex organ, each zone of which is almost permanently connected with our body but also with the world around us. Whether we are thinking, dreaming, walking, playing sports, sleeping or even doing nothing, our brain is constantly active.

That is to say if it is essential, and how important it is to take care of it, especially when you get older. Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the Professor Philippe Amouyel, public health doctor at the University Hospital of Lille and director of the Alzheimer Foundation. He is also the author of the book The Alzheimer’s Guide published by Cherche-Midi.

Hello Doctor explains the specifics of the brain and what can be done to keep it in shape. Professor Philippe Amouyel is particularly interested in Alzheimer’s disease which affects more and more people: today there are about 1 million in France and 50 million in the world.

Prevention, treatment, gestures and habits: your brain is precious, we help you pamper it to live well and age better.

Questions from listeners

Fabienne from Strasbourg: “How much water should you drink per day? »

Mark of the Creuse: “How do we convince our children to go to bed early?”

Amandine who lives near Nice: “Does menopause mean weight gain? »

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed answers these questions with practical advice.

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