how to avoid heatstroke

For this new issue of season 4 from the magazine We Europeans (Twitter), direction england where the number of vineyard hectares has exploded in twenty years, with a production of eight to thirteen million bottles depending on the year. Global warming encourages vocations, and pumpkin patch turns into vineyards…

Europe experienced a historic drought and scorching temperatures during the summer of 2022. Although this phenomenon, which is set to recur, worries many farmers, it is however very suitable for winegrowers… British!

The boom of English viticulture

Meet these winegrowers from across the Channel who are inspired by French know-how for their specialty, sparkling wine, with one ambition: one day to dethrone tricolor champagne…
A report by Hugues Huet and Guillaume Legoff.

> And also > Climate change is disrupting agriculture, which is responsible for 10% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and France is at the top of the European ranking. In the Tarn, Eléonore Gay went to meet these farmers who are innovating to avoid heat stroke. VS’is an entire sector that must now anticipate future crises and rethink its practices.


– Serge Touzanneoperations manager of the Albi agricultural high school farm.

– Nicolas Metayerdeputy director of Solagro.

Dominique Tristandirector of the experimental farm of AgroParisTech.

– Jean-Francois Soussanamember of the High Council for the Climate.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.

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