How to approach the start of the new school year serenely?

After the carefree holidays, now it’s time to go home and live again to the rhythm of schedules, constraints of all kinds and often difficult news. The first days of September especially are often source of stress : you have to fill the fridge, take care of school supplies, do not miss registrations for extra-curricular activities… It is less easy to escape the social and economic context, the anxiety linked to the vagaries of the weather.

It is however possible to approach the start of the new school year serenely. For this first broadcast of “Bonjour Docteur”, Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the Professor Michel Lejoyeuxhead of the psychiatry department at the Bichat hospital in Paris, and author of numerous books published by JCLattès, such as All depressed is a healthy person who is unaware of it, The 4 seasons of good humor and The 4 times of rebirth, reissued in the Pocket Book. He gives us advice to avoid the stress of back to school and the blues of September: food, lifestyle, sleep, leisure.

What is happiness ?

Pr Lejoyeux was inspired by the concepts of Montaigne to establish a certain number of elements essential to happiness which, moreover, to the term “happiness” prefers those of “health and joy”: thefriendshipa Healthy eating (especially vitamin A), a “distraction kit” from which to draw fetish phrases: that of Dr. Jimmy Mohamed: “Each day has enough trouble of its” or that of Pr Lejoyeux: “We are affected less by things than by the idea we have of things” (Epitect). Like Montaigne who insisted on the link between body and mind, it is also important to continue to to moveas we did on vacation: exercise, walk in nature, take time for yourself.

In the second part of the show, Dr. Jimmy Mohamed responds to questions from our listeners, because this health show is also yours.

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