how to approach the issue of alcohol with young people?

Advertising for alcohol is common on social networks and makes you want to drink it. It often targets young people.


Reading time: 2 min

In France, it is estimated that the first glass of alcohol is consumed at the age of 14 (illustrative photo, January 30, 2016). (NICOLAS KOVARIK / MAXPPP)

When we are young, it can happen to us to see posts with alcohol on social networks and to want to drink it. An influencer partying with his friends, a drink in hand, a beautiful image of a cocktail, with its slice of lemon, its colors, its delicate bubbles… or even an advertisement, which appears between two stories. For three years, the Addictions France association has observed what is happening on the networks and denounces a new Wild West: without faith or law. However, there is one, supposed to regulate alcohol advertising: the Évin law. What she says is that we must not encourage consumption. There can be advertising, but it must be objective, that is to say, it must indicate the volume of alcohol, the composition of the product and its method of consumption. Certainly not to make you want to drink it. However, Addictions France tells us that 79% of 15-21 year olds have seen advertisements for alcohol every week on the networks and a quarter of them admit that it made them want to drink.

Alcohol consumption among young people has been trending downward for several years. Generally speaking, young people drink less often than their elders, but when they do, it is in larger quantities. We must remember the recommendations: no more than two glasses per day, no more than ten glasses per week and days without alcohol. Alcohol is prohibited for sale to those under 18, but in reality, people start drinking earlier than that. In France, it is estimated that the first drink is at 14 years old. However, work has shown that alcohol damages the young brain. This is still the case around the age of 20. The brain is not yet completely mature at this age. We also know that regular consumption, early in life, can open the door to addiction later.

We can give parents, loved ones and young people themselves some advice. We can teach them to say “no”. Besides, this doesn’t just apply to alcohol. Explain that you never have to conform to the group. It requires working on self-confidence. We can also talk about the risks associated with consumption. We often talk about the dangers of the road, but there is risky behavior and violence associated with alcohol.

We also avoid the small glass, handed to a teenager during a family celebration, even if it is a grand vintage, even if we are celebrating a great event, because it helps to trivialize consumption. Finally, it remains to adapt our own behavior, because we know: we educate a lot through the model we provide.

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