how the Toulousain Pierre Fouyssac went through months of hardship

The three-quarter center of Stade Toulousain Pierre Fouyssac returns to the field after a long absence of almost a year. In four seasons at the club, the former Agenais has worn the red and black jersey 28 times. Plagued by repeated injuries. Weighing when you are a top athlete.

Fouyssac: “I didn’t give up”

Ten months after his last match, Pierre Fouyssac returned to the pitch at the end of February against UBB. “It’s weird, even if it was only ends of matches. It’s nice after almost ten months of recovery to push back the lawns. The first tackles, the first balls are important. When it’s been almost a year since you last tasted the locker room, the warm-ups, you miss it. I had good feelings, and as I go along I will find the rhythm.”

“When it’s been almost a year since you last tasted the locker room, the warm-ups, you miss it.”

In the meantime, ten months of trouble where we had to hang on. “It’s very long. When we see our friends win, we are there but without being there. I am lucky to have a girlfriend who supports me. Family, friends, etc. These are not good times. I only hide from you I had a little depression in the last few months but I didn’t let go.. I continued to prepare myself in my corner to be ready when D-Day arrived.”

Help to get the Top 6

Stade Toulousain is playing a late match on Sunday against the Montpellier leader which can allow them to enter the top 6. Before receiving Lyon and going to Castres.“To show that we are there even if everyone says it’s the fault of the duplicates. No, it’s not the fault of the duplicates. You have to be in the 6 at the end of these duplicates, it’s the goal.”

“To show that we are there even if everyone says it’s the fault of the duplicates. No, it’s not the fault of the duplicates.”

Toulouse-Montpellier will be live in full on France Bleu Occitanie this Sunday at 9:05 p.m.

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