how the state forgot the remuneration of nursing assistants

Cassidy Renaison, caregiver in interim, remembers well the call launched by Olivier Véran August 8, 2021.

I appeal to the national solidarity of metropolitan caregivers to come to the aid of ultra-marine hospitals. (…) We will obviously take care of your transport, your accommodation, with remuneration to the key, “announced the Minister of Solidarity and Health in a video posted on the internet.

When he talks about remuneration and that we have no remuneration at the moment, it is a bit of a lie,“reacts Cassidy Renaison, who worked for five weeks in Guadeloupe, Guyana and New Caledonia. Here is what social security answers her when she asks for her pay:”We do not yet know the rate of remuneration for nursing assistants and therefore cannot proceed with the payment of this requisition.

In question, a ministerial decree published on August 17 in the official journal, just after Olivier Véran’s appeal. It provides for compensation for requisitioned doctors, nurses and medical students. But nothing planned for nursing assistants, physiotherapists or even laboratory assistants.

That certain professions are paid and still not us, I cannot understand it!“the nurse is sorry.”If we had known in advance, we would not have done it, because it puts us in difficult situations. “

They would thus be several hundred caregivers to have worked for free, for lack of being mentioned in the ministerial decree. Abdel Chergui, another caregiver in interim, worked 400 hours in Covid reinforcement, or more than 10,000 euros of lost earnings according to his estimates.

“I have 82 euros left to live until January. I don’t know how I’m going to pay my rent, I’m afraid of being homeless! The end of the year celebrations, I don’t Do not even think about it: it will be coffee with milk and bread, and find work to hope to have a salary at the end of December. The state is putting my head in the water. “

Abdel Chergui, caregiver

to France 2

Contacted, the Ministry of Health said to have noticed this administrative oversight in October. And even if two and a half months later, nothing has changed, the administration writes to us: “the Ministry immediately took up the matter to find a quick solution to compensate these professionals. He will of course keep his indemnity commitment, despite the delay. “

A new decree, specifying the remuneration of all the mobilized health professionals is expected for Christmas… Little consolation under the tree, because for the pay it will surely be necessary to wait until January, according to the ministry.

Olivier Véran’s call

Directorate General of Health

Decree of August 17, 2021

Non-exhaustive list.

source site-14