how the sleep of the French has deteriorated



Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

S. Berrichon, E. Penot, J.-P. Tarini – France 2

France Televisions

The French sleep less long, and less well than before. The turn of the question in a few figures.

Are the French tired? In 30 years, they have lost 1h30 of rest each night. In 2023, they sleep an average of 6h58 on weekdays, and 40 minutes more on weekends, an insufficient period according to specialists. In addition, one in three sleepers complains of the poor quality of their sleep. 80% even wake up at least once during the night.

Disconnect from screens one hour before

In particular, the overload of work or stress. 35% of anxious people say they suffer from insomnia. Half of the French also look at their phone before going to bed, a bad idea. To fall asleep better, you should disconnect at least an hour before. The room temperature should be between 16 and 19°C. Sleeping together would finally make it possible to gain 15% of deep sleep.

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