how the majority became deeply divided over the hours over a hardened text

Nearly one in four deputies, within the majority, did not vote for the text resulting from the joint committee. The episode should leave its mark within the presidential camp.

“We absolutely need a regularization measure so that the National Rally does not vote for the text. I don’t know what the pattern will be of a divided majority and an RN who votes for the text… I am worried.” This is the message from a Renaissance MP concerned, before the weekend, not to see the majority fracture on the immigration bill. His fears partly materialized on Monday December 18 and Tuesday December 19.

Deputies and senators agreed on a clearly tougher text compared to its initial version, presented more than a year ago. These “compromise” pushed the far-right party to vote for the bill, even though it had previously found it insufficient. As a result, some of the Macronist deputies announced they would vote against and some ministers threatened to resign. Franceinfo looks back on this day when the majority split, before finally adopting the hardened text resulting from the joint joint committee.

First doubts expressed

Monday evening, the question of personalized housing assistance (APL) first derailed the joint committee. The text studied by the CMP, voted by the Senate, introduces a provision requiring non-European foreigners in a legal situation to have five years of residence on French territory to benefit from certain social benefits (such as APL and family allowances) compared to six month currently.

Tuesday, late in the morning, the government and the Republicans reached an agreement, according to which a legally resident foreigner must have five years of residence or 30 months of professional activity to receive family benefits or other allowances. For APLs, you will need either a student visa, three months of professional activity or five years of residence. But this compromise goes down badly with certain elected representatives of the majority, like this Renaissance MP.

“Elisabeth Borne negotiated her agreement on a corner of the table and wants to force it down our throats.”

A Renaissance parliamentarian

at franceinfo

The atmosphere is “very hard” during the meeting of the Renaissance group, which is confirmed by another elected official: “The majority must stay on its bases and visibly, things are crumbling.” Around 2 p.m., a first breach appears: “Personally, I will not vote for this text. I wonder about the benefit of having an agreement that looks more and more like a compromise and not a compromise”estimates Erwan Balanant, MoDem deputy.

Marine Le Pen’s “kiss of death”

After midday, the CMP continues at full speed, with the aim of completing a text in the afternoon. The deal was concluded by mid-afternoon. All smiles, Marine Le Pen appears in front of journalists and announces that her group of 88 deputies will vote for the text.

“We must maintain the pressure. But, in principle, I believe that it is a great ideological victory for our movement.”

Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the Assembly

in front of the press

“The RN has just taken a gigantic step towards normalization. What Marine Le Pen did today is the kiss of death to Emmanuel Macron. It’s a shift”, analyzes, on the spot, a Republican executive. Marine Le Pen’s announcement embarrasses even within the government: a minister then confides that he “uncomfortable” and affirms “think about what’s next”.

If the National Rally and the Republicans are going to vote for this version of the text, is the majority wavering? “The group wants to vote on the text, but it’s an explosion for Renaissance. The RN vote is hard. We’re waiting for the text”whispers a deputy. “There is a lot of unease within the majority. We are lost”, depresses MP Stéphane Vojetta, on the Twitch channel of his colleague Denis Masséglia. At the end of the afternoon, several elected officials from the presidential camp announced that they would not vote for the bill resulting from the joint committee.

Stéphane Travert, historic Macronist and former minister, assures franceinfo that he does not want “not mix [sa] voice to that of the RN”. “Let us stop running on the themes of the right and the extreme right, let us do politics that concern people’s lives. My position is clear, it will not budge.” Furthermore, Jean-Paul Mattei, boss of MoDem deputies within the majority, announced in a group meeting that he would vote against the bill, in a personal capacity – the elected representative from Pyrénées-Atlantiques ultimately abstained.

Crisis meeting at the Elysée

In the process, the Young People with Macron also distance themselves from the presidential party, by broadcasting a vitriolic press release against a text “unacceptable”Who “would contravene the values ​​and orientations of our political family”. The evening looks like a defection from historical macronism. Shortly before 8 p.m., Philippe Grangeon, former influential advisor to the head of state, also announced to AFP that he would vote against the text if he were a deputy. “It hurts”says a ministerial advisor.

Proof that the subject is flammable, the President of the Republic convenes a crisis meeting with Elisabeth Borne, Gérald Darmanin and several leaders of the majority at the end of the afternoon. With the objective of finding a way out of the crisis in the face of the tactical blow of the National Rally. According to several sources within the majority, the hypothesis of a withdrawal of the immigration bill is rejected.

“We are going to the vote, we do not accept the crude trap of the RN.”

An influential member of the majority

at France Télévisions

According to a participant, Emmanuel Macron announces that he “will itself refer the matter to the Constitutional Council to ensure that all the measures in the text are in conformity with the Constitution” And “will reject any proposal to amend the Constitution on immigration”.

Fractures displayed during the vote

The shock wave is not limited to the National Assembly and panic spreads to the executive. “We will end up with at least 50 votes against! And the MoDem will fall into opposition. Add to that the two thirds of left-wing ministers who will resign… It’s a disaster!” worries a senior minister.

According to information from franceinfo, several ministers from the left wing of the majority plan to meet in the evening, to consider resigning, after the agreement reached in the CMP. Roland Lescure (Industry), Clément Beaune (Transport), Sylvie Retailleau (Higher Education) and Patrice Vergriete (Housing) must meet. The entourage of Rima Abdul Malak, the Minister of Culture, and Aurélien Rousseau, the Minister of Health, however, denies to France Télévisions their presence at this meeting.

Meanwhile, the Senate passed the bill around 9 p.m. In total, 214 senators approved the text while 114 voted against, which reflects the political balances at work in the upper house, where the Republicans are in the majority. The text then passes to the National Assembly, which first decides by a majority against the rejection motion tabled by La France insoumise, with 383 votes against and 155 for. The vote on the entire bill was only slightly closer, with 349 votes in favor and 186 against.

But the majority appears divided: within Renaissance, 20 deputies voted against and 17 abstained. If it does not adopt a massive position against the text, the MoDem appears very divided, with 30 votes for, 15 abstentions and five votes against. “The majority united, the RN maneuver failed”, however, welcomes Elisabeth Borne at the end of this day. To see the smile displayed by Marine Le Pen on the benches of the Assembly on Tuesday evening, doubt is allowed.

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